A Monticello man was arrested Monday for allegedly killing his girlfriend.
Jayme Schnackenberg is alleged to have shot Kimberly Hardy on June 16. She was reported missing on June 18 by her mother and the defendant. Hardy's mother told police she had not spoken to her daughter since June 12, and that it was unusual for them to not talk for several days, according to a state police affidavit. She also believed the two were having problems.
An eyewitness had claimed to see Schnackenberg driving a car similar to the one Hardy drove in west Monticello the day before she was reported missing, police reported. Police found Hardy's body wrapped in plastic in a wooded area on June 25.
Schnackenberg had told two people he shot Hardy after they got into a fight, according to police. The defendant had denied he was involved in Hardy's disappearance, but police found evidence of possible blood splatter and a handgun at his home the day Hardy was found.
He is being held without bail at the Aroostook County jail prior to a future bail hearing.