The task force on the state’s opioid crisis has completed its recommendations on addressing the crisis that is claiming nearly a life per day in Maine.
The report recommends the state immediately increase access to substance abuse treatment, implement prevention programs and focus attention on drug users in jail and those who are uninsured, with little access to services.
“Would I say that it is the only highest priority? I can’t say that. But when people are dying every day, yeah, we have to act,” says state Rep. Jay McCrieght, a Democrat from Harpswell who co-chairs the task force.
Unlike a committee of the Legislature, the task force can only recommend action — it cannot introduce legislation. Task force members, however, pledge to advocate for their proposals when lawmakers return to session next month.
“This problem is very large and growing. And sadly, what we need to do now may not work as quickly as it could for some people,” says Republican state Sen. Andre Cushing of Newport, a task force co-chair.