This is show is part of a series on "Maine's Evolving Economy," focusing on the economic shifts in Maine caused by the pandemic.
While many freelance, temporary and gig workers were hit hard during the pandemic, others thrived. We take a look at how Maine’s growing gig economy reflects national trends, and we’ll learn what opportunities and challenges face those who are turning to independent contracting and other gig work as a simple way to start a business or generate income.
Terry Johnson, partner/business solutions advisor, Practical Decisions
Richard Bilodeau, professor, University of Southern Maine School of Business, where he is also faculty chair of Corporate Partners; entrepreneur, consultant
VIP Callers:
Paul Shea, associate professor of economics, Bates College
Meg Shorette, co-founder of Launchpad, an arts incubator; music booker; works at Oxbow Brewing Co.
Traci Halverson, Maine Guide, short-term rental operator, owner of Back to the Basics Yurt; based in Easton