The latest PBS documentary by Ken Burns and his team, The U.S and the Holocaust, sheds light on the consequences of America’s response to the Holocaust. We’ll talk with the co-directors of the three-part series about what the film depicts regarding America’s role in the catastrophic events of the Holocaust. We’ll also learn what is being done in Maine to counter anti-Semitism and raise awareness of the history of the Holocaust. (The PBS documentary The U.S. and the Holocaust airs Sept. 18, 19 & 20 on Maine Public Television.)
Lynn Novick, co-director & producer, The U.S. and the Holocaust; award-winning documentary filmmaker who has created programming for PBS in collaboration with Ken Burns
Sarah Botstein, co-director & producer, The U.S. and the Holocaust; documentary film producer whose acclaimed work includes collaborations with Lynn Novick and Ken Burns; produces digital and education initiatives
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Erica Nadelhaft, education coordinator, Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine; adjunct faculty, University of Maine - Fort Kent