Whether you find them cute or creepy, opossums are interesting and often misunderstood creatures. They’re the only marsupials found in North America. We’ll learn more about their population in Maine, their interactions with humans and the environment, what to do if you encounter one, and what wildlife rehabilitators do with these unusual creatures.
Jennifer Marchigiani, wildlife rehabilitator; owner & founder, Misfits Rehab
Scott Lindsay, regional wildlife biologist, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
Contact Maine Dept of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife if you encounter an opossum: 207-287-8000
Opossum Society of the United States | Rehabilitation and Education (opossumsocietyus.org)
Found An Animal In Need (misfitsrehab.org)
What to do about opossums | The Humane Society of the United States
Note that the Maine CDC reminds people that opossums can still carry rabies, in spite of their lower body temperature: