This is a rebroadcast of an earlier show (original air date Nov 18, 2024); no calls will be taken.
There was a time when tipping was straightforward: You tipped at restaurants, or maybe when you got a haircut. But after the pandemic strained businesses and workers, tipping has become ubiquitous, leaving consumers confused. What to do when the credit card terminal directs you to select a tip amount? What about tipping a plumber? And is the new tipping culture here to stay?
Max Alberhasky, assistant professor of marketing, California State University, Long Beach
Drew DeSilver, senior writer, Pew Research Center; co-author of a recent study on tipping
Elaine Swann, etiquette expert; founder, Swann School of Protocol (Elaine's comments were pre-recorded.)
Listen to Jennifer’s complete interview with etiquette expert Elaine Swann here!
Click here for a transcript of Jennifer’s Interview with Elaine Swann