The Learning Space is a specially designed educational series aired on Maine Public Television in the spring of 2020. Created in partnership with the Maine Department of Education, and Educate Maine, teachers from across Maine developed original video lessons to provide exceptional learning opportunities for Maine students in grades 3 through 5. All of the episodes of this series are archived below for continued access and use.
This project would not have been possible without the help from these valued partners::
- MSMA: Maine School Management Association
- MCLA: Maine Curriculum Leaders Association
- MSTOYA: Maine State Teachers of the Year Association
- NBCTs of Maine: National Board Certified Teachers of Maine
- MEA: Maine Education Association
- MPA: Maine Principals Association
- MADSEC: Maine Administration of Services for Children with Disabilities
WATCH ALL THE Go2Science Kenya: Groundwater! Episodes HERE!
Teacher Beth and scientist Curtis traveled to Kenya to investigate a groundwater hypothesis. Thanks to the help of kids across Maine, the Go2Science team was able to take action and drill a well for a community in need. Watch the adventure unfold over 12 episodes as you also learn more about wildlife and the culture of a rural Kenyan village.
Archived Episodes:
Thank you to these businesses and organizations for their support of this project: