This show is a rebroadcast of an earlier program (original air date July 9, 2021); no calls will be taken.
The dark sky movement aims to reduce light pollution and protect the night sky. Maine has taken on greater prominence as a dark sky destination, with the recent certification of both the Appalachian Mountain Club’s Maine Woods and the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument as International Dark Sky areas. We’ll learn about why dark skies matter, what is being done in Maine to promote them, and how people can best appreciate them.
Susan Arnold, vice president for conservation, Appalachian Mountain Club
Shawn Laatsch, director, Versant Power Astronomy Center, University of Maine; treasurer, Dark Sky Maine
John T. Meader, director, Northern Stars Planetarium and Educational Services; vice president/secretary Dark Sky Maine; organizer of Stars Over Katahdin event at Katahdin Woods & Waters National Monument; photographer
VIP Caller:
Michael Marlin, dark sky ambassador and astrotourism ambassador; author of new book Astrotourism: Star Gazers, Eclipse Chasers, and the Dark Sky Movement
International Dark-Sky Association
Visit Maine - Watching Maine's Night Sky
Acadia Night Sky Festival