This is a rebroadcast of an earlier show (original air date Feb 25, 2022); no calls will be taken.
The term "cancel culture" surfaced a few years ago to refer to society’s tendency to shut down a person or entity once they are deemed unacceptable for any number of reasons--often linked to political correctness or issues in the news, such as sexual harassment. Now there is talk of "canceling cancel culture," as both the term and the actions linked to it have been used to further political causes and have turned the original meaning on its head. We analyze where society stands today in its interpretation—and misuse—of cancel culture.
Theo Greene, assistant professor of sociology, Bowdoin College; secretary/treasurer, Section on Sexualities, American Sociological Association; chair, LGBTQ Sociologists' Caucus; chair, Publications Committee, Community and Urban Sociology Section, American Sociological Association
Judith Rosenbaum, chair, associate professor of media studies, Department of Communication and Journalism, University of Maine