The famously abundant trees in Maine lend themselves to many uses, and our forest products industry employs some 32,000 people. We’ll learn about new ways that wood is being used, from fuel to insulation to other innovations—including methods for utilizing wood that would otherwise go to waste.
Lee Burnett, project manager, Local Wood Works
Hemant Pendse, professor, chemical engineering, University of Maine – Orono
Susan MacKay, senior R&D program manager, Advanced Structures and Composites Center, University of Maine
VIP Callers:
Joshua Henry, CEO, Timber HP
Ariadne Dimoula CEO, Ocean Research Director at Paramount Planet Product
Forest Products | Department of Economic and Community Development (
A wave of companies say they’ll use Maine wood to make eco-friendly fuel and fertilizer | WPFO (
New act for forest products: Manufacturers find new uses for Maine’s vast forest resource |