By 2030, Maine plans to be an integral player in the space travel. We’ll learn about the plans for a Maine Space Complex, which will be spread out among different locations across the state. The complex will combine educators, researchers, students, businesses and entrepreneurs who will all be part of a growing space industry in Maine.
Terry Shehata, executive director, NASA Maine Space Grant Consortium; interim executive director, Maine Space Corporation
VIP callers:
Steve Levesque, former executive director, Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Authority; former commissioner, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development.; currently under contract with the Loring Development Authority to help the agency develop an economic development strategy for Loring Commerce Centre
Janet Sorter, vice president and chief academic officer, Maine Community College System; ex officio member of Maine Space Corporation
Sen. Mattie Daughtry (D-Brunswick), introduced LD 1923, “An Act To Establish the Maine Space Corporation"
Karin Paquin, science teacher, St. John's Catholic School, Brunswick; participated in Teachers in Space Human Flight Program