This is a rebroadcast of an earlier show (original air date Nov 21, 2024); no calls will be taken.
Bread has long been a basic staple in so many cultures, but this simple food has been elevated in recent years to an art form. We’ll talk with experts in Maine known for their high-quality breads to learn about: what goes into a great loaf, why grains matter, how different kinds of bread are made—and why bread has gotten so trendy.
Daniel Leader, retired baker; founder, Bread Alone Bakery; cookbook author whose latest cookbook is A Slow Rise; lives in Castine
Tim Semler, co-founder, Tinder Hearth in Brooksville
Amber Lambke, president, Maine Grains
VIP Caller:
Kerry Hanney, owner, Night Moves Bread and Pie, Biddeford