In this Borealis story, budding scientists and explorers arrive at the Schoodic Peninsula, the mainland part of Acadia National Park, to embark on an exciting adventure called the Schoodic Education Adventure, or SEA Program for short.
Outdoor classroom learning through the SEA Program extends the park's mission of conservation and engagement by turning Maine students into citizen scientists. It's one of the longest running programs of its kind, and the students' research on invasive green crabs in tidepools will go on to support research done by the Gulf of Maine Research Institute.
Follow along on their sleepaway adventure by the sea, and learn something about this stunning Maine coastal ecosystem along the way.
Learn more about the SEA program!
Watch every Borealis video on Maine Public's YouTube channel. Don't miss the exclusive content only available on this channel and on Maine Public's Instagram.
Borealis is made possible by the generous support of our Production Sponsors The Nature Conservancy in Maine and Poland Spring.
And by our Broadcast Sponsors: Evergreen Home Performance, Conservation Law Foundation, The Maine Office of Tourism.
Production credits:
Produced by: Aislinn Sarnacki, Nick Woodward, and Jennifer Rooks
Reported by: Aislinn Sarnacki
Written by: Aislinn Sarnacki
Videography by: Nick Woodward
Editing by: Nick Woodward
Audio by: Nick Godfrey