Four thousand middle and high school students this year will take part in the Outdoor Learning Initiative, a federally funded program that brings low-income children together to learn about the wilds and waters of Maine. The Mills administration launched the Initiative two years ago. Because of high demand, the program is being expanded with more than $6 million.
Chewonki will host 50 students in its Maine Rivers, Trails and Waves Program this summer, an increase of 30 students from last year. During two-week adventures, the kids will canoe the Allagash, or hike Katahdin, or sea kayak around Mount Desert Island.
Nancy Kennedy, acting president of Chewonki, says the opportunity is life-changing for the students.
"It can be so incredibly powerful when you take these brave kids and you put them with loving, caring experience leaders in this beautiful classroom and colleagues that nature can be that what comes out on the other end, the child that comes in, comes out profoundly changed," she says.
Kennedy says the children learn leadership and survival skills during their time with Chewonki.
A $185,000 grant will cover travel, lodging, meals and gear for the students along with staff payroll. Kennedy says the program is filled with a waitlist and she hopes to expand it even more next year.