Knox County's largest employer says it is raising its minimum salary from $8.25 to $10.10 an hour.
Pen Bay Healthcare Chief Operating Officer, Erik Frederick says the Rockport hospital's wage hike is part of an overall review of hospital salaries. Frederick says more positions will be receiving a salary increase in the next fiscal year, but he says the facility decided to fast track the increases for its lowest paid employees.
"So, it actually started last Sunday, which is the 6th (of July), which was the first day of the current pay period, and employees will realize the pay increase on their paycheck which is dated July 25th," he says.
About 157 employees will receive the bigger paychecks this month, most in support services like housekeeping and food preparation. Aside from providing a better wage, Frederick says the hospital is hoping to become more competitive in attracting qualified help at a time when hotels and restaurants are stepping up their seasonal recruitment.