The city's planning board Tuesday night tabled a proposal to expand surface parking at the Portland International Jetport. The proposal still faces scrutiny from airport neighbors, who are concerned about the project's environmental impacts.
The plan calls for the paving of two surface lots and about 680 parking spaces. The project would create about 280 brand new spaces once the jetport finishes stormwater system upgrades.
Jetport officials said the additional parking is needed because travelers are taking longer trips and are parking their cars for extended periods of time. The new surface lots are also intended to serve as an interim solution, until the jetport can build a larger parking garage.
But at the public hearing on Tuesday, a majority of residents said the jetport had not done enough to mitigate the project's impacts on nearby wetlands and woods.
Planning board members largely agreed. They acknowledged that the jetport needs more parking, but directed airport officials to revisit their plans.
The board is expected to reconsider the proposal in late January.