People are eager to work on their gardens, given that it's among the outdoor activities you can do safely while staying at home, and it has soothing effects in these uncertain times. Some are also looking for items to grow to augment their grocery supply. We'll learn about what you can do now to get your vegetables, flowers and yard off to a good start, and what to plant during this crisis.
Pamela Hargest, horticulture professional, Cumberland County Cooperative Extension
Gary Fish, state horticulturalist, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry
Lauren Giroux, director of product selection and trialing research, Johnny's Selected Seeds
- Cooperative Extension Vegetable Varieties for Maine Gardens
- MOFGA Resources for Gardeners
- Wild Seed Project
- This Is A Good Time To Start A Garden. Here's How
- Ten Steps to a Successful Garden
- As More Mainers Look Into Growing Their Own Food, Seed Suppliers Struggle To Meet Demand
- Maine Gardener: Gardens can be our salvation right now
- Here are the seeds you should start indoors in Maine
- How to determine what size garden you need to feed your family
- 5 free online farming and gardening courses you can take right now
- Vegetable growing and backyard chickens: Gardening, farming booms during coronavirus pandemic
- Everything To Know About Starting Your COVID-19 Victory Garden