At the beginning of this program, we will talk briefly with Maine CDC director Nirav Shah about the surging caes of Covid-19 in Maine.
Since the start of the pandemic, non-Covid medical care has had to shift gears—not only in how care is delivered to patients, but in how providers and patients have prioritized their health care. We talk about the repercussions of putting off routine or preventive care, how telemedicine is working, and how the pandemic is affecting those with chronic diseases and other serious health concerns.
Dr. Nirav Shah, director, Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention
Dr. Rob Chamberlin, chief medical officer, Accountable Care Organization, MaineHealth
Dr. Christopher Pezzullo, clinical director, Maine Primary Care Association
Jim Rogers, CEO, Mission Broadband and HealthConnect Networks
- Maine CDC: 4 Deaths, 163 Additional COVID-19 Cases On Tuesday
- Preventive care: As pandemic stretches on, “no more time to wait”
- Health Experts: Breast cancer screening still important during the pandemic
- COVID-19 in patients with cancer: managing a pandemic within a pandemic
- During pandemic, 'telehealth' emerging as important lifeline to connect patients with caregivers
- How to safely go to the dentist during the pandemic
- Experts discuss state of mental health care during COVID-19 pandemic