We discuss the future of the global seaweed industry, and Maine’s leading role in it, to coincide with the first international seaweed conference hosted in the U.S., Seagriculture, taking place in Portland on September 7 & 8. Experts will cover top issues, from seaweed’s role in climate action to innovations in seaweed farming to broader uses of seaweed as food, fuel and other products.
Nichole Price, senior research scientist & marine ecologist, Bigelow Lab for Ocean Sciences
Jaclyn Robidoux, marine extension associate, Maine Sea Grant, University of Maine
VIP Callers:
Job Schipper, SWD Connectors, a seaweed consultancy based in The Netherlands
Jesse Baines, chief marketing officer, Atlantic Sea Farms
Jessica Chalmers, president, Everything Seaweed
Mitchell Lench, CEO, Ocean’s Balance