It used to be easy to define what counts as a video game—they were often found in an arcade, and you put a quarter in to play Asteroids or Ms. Pac-Man. Today, video games run the gamut from brain teasers that you play on your phone, like Wordle, to extended games, like Minecraft, involving complex problem solving. We’ll explore the new world of video games and their role in the mainstream culture.
Joshua Rubin, affiliate researcher at Bates College; visiting assistant professor of anthropology, Colby College (starting in January); author of a forthcoming book on video game development called Feeding the Loop
Rebecca Herzig, historian of science and technology; professor of gender & sexuality studies, Bates College; co-editor, book series Feminist Technosciences
VIP caller:
Janet McKenney, avid video game player; retired director of library development, Maine State Library