The lawsuit alleges that Maine segregates children with behavioral disabilities in hospitals, residential facilities and the Long Creek Youth Development Center.
There’s a new lab focused on parenting at the University of Maine: the Parenting Relationships Research Lab. One of the areas of focus there is on…
Almost one in five children in Maine lives in poverty. What can be done to break this cycle? We’ll learn about a new initiative that seeks to address the…
How does connecting with nature help children’s learning, development and well-being? And is ‘nature deficit disorder’ a problem among young people in…
Christopher Phillips, Ph.D., the creator of the Socrates Cafe initiative (of which there are a number in Maine), joins us to discuss his new project -…
The history of the Maine Children's Home for Little Wanderers and answers to your questions about adoption - both domestic and international - in…
In Maine and across the country, homeschooling is on the rise. How well does home schooling work and what are the challenges it presents to parents and…
The Annie E. Casey Foundation releases its annual KIDS COUNT report on child well-being on 6/24. Maine ranked 13th among all the states. (It ranked 1st in…