The workings of our democracy can be confusing to anyone, especially in today's political climate. Do young people get exposed to politics and government…
October 28 marked the anniversary of Mussolini’s March on Rome, an act of political theater that took place nearly 100 years ago. It led to handing the…
A recent Harvard survey found that 68 percent of young people say they will "definitely be voting" in 2020—a notable increase over past years.We discuss…
This show may be pre-empted by special coverage of the impeachment hearings Kenneth C. Davis, author of the best-selling Don’t Know Much About History…
The latest developments on events in Egypt. Can the US help fledgling democracies?Host Keith Shortall was joined by Aaron David Miller, Vice President for…
The Mid-Coast Forum on Foreign relations hosted a talk by Sa'ad Ibrahim. His topic was Egypt.Sa’ad Eddin Ibrahim is an Egyptian American sociologist and…
Retired U.S. Marine Gen. James L. Jones, who served as the first National Security Advisor in the Obama administration, called for the U.S. to back NATO…
Speaking in Maine offers a talk by internationally renowned political activist and scholar Saad Ibrahim. He recently addressed the Midcoast Forum on…
Speaking in Maine welcomes Paul Steiger, editor-in-chief, president and chief executive of ProPublica to the podium. Steiger’s organization is an…