This show is a rebroadcast of an earlier program (original air date October 2, 2020); no calls will be taken. It is part of our coverage of topics…
This show is part of our coverage of topics relating to Maine's bicentennial.In this last installment of our series on Maine history, we examine Maine's…
This is a rebroadcast of an earlier show (original air date July 29, 2020); no calls will be taken. This show is part of our ongoing coverage of topics…
This is a rebroadcast of an earlier show (original air date May 26, 2020); no calls will be taken. We continue our celebration of Maine’s 200th statehood…
We continue our celebration of Maine’s 200th statehood anniversary by examining Maine from the time of the Civil War to the end of the Great War. This is…
Both in Maine and nationwide, there has been a longtime debate over whether or not Daylight Saving Time is helpful or necessary. Two bills were introduced…