New data from the Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services are the latest inflection point in a years-long dispute over state employee compensation and classification.
The legislature is considering a $165 million emergency bill to fund a new compensation system for state employees to address the chronic understaffing in state government. Lawmakers say one in six positions in state government are vacant because wages aren't high enough to attract and retain workers.
The two-year contract covers more than 9,000 workers in the executive branch and will provide two pay raises totaling 9% next year.
On Monday, House Republicans elected Rep. Billy Bob Faulkingham of Winter Harbor as minority leader while Rep. Amy Arata of New Gloucester was chosen to serve as assistant minority leader.
Dhalac entered the race after incumbent Democrat Victoria Morales withdrew.
We speak with legislative leaders about the items making news this season. Among the front-burner issues: the effects on the federal government shutdown…