The rise in construction costs may be leveling off, but MaineHousing suggested recently proposed tariffs would increase the costs of building materials.
MaineHousing has been leasing a hotel in Saco as a resettlement hub for asylum seekers, but likely won't continue the program amid budget constraints and fewer new arrivals.
More than 1,400 tenants have already applied for assistance, and more than 500 landlords have accepted funds from the program and have agreed to end eviction proceedings against their tenants.
Service providers, housing leaders say Maine communities can benefit from asylum seeker resettlementA housing forum in Portland this week examined the challenges and opportunities for immigrants beyond Maine's largest cities.
City officials said the Expo will serve as a bridge while longer-term facilities get up and running.
MaineHousing is relaunching a pandemic-era program to help more homeowners handle late mortgage payments, overdue heating bills and other housing costs.
As more than a dozen entities prepare to use state emergency funds to open and expand overnight warming shelters for the remaining weeks of winter, officials in Auburn say plans to get a shelter of their own up and running have fallen through.
As Maine pursues housing projects for new immigrants, local groups call for more long term solutionsMaineHousing is helping fund several developments in southern Maine that will be reserved initially for asylum seeker families, but advocates say it won't be enough to fully address the housing challenges of new immigrants.
MaineHousing will funnel at least a portion of new emergency funds, worth up to $21 million, to communities across the state to expand existing overnight shelters and warming centers or open new ones this winter.
The home is made entirely from a wood-based material, which University of Maine researchers say is an inexpensive, renewable and recyclable building option.