Dr. Johnson and Monica Wood discuss the life of a writer and share insights into storytelling.Guests:Dr. Charles Johnson, author of the National Book…
The Importance of Storytelling for Young, Old and those in between. – Why do humans have a need to tell stories? How does storytelling help young people…
Just what does it take to tell a good tale?Guests: Tim Sample: humorist, author and storyteller. His latest project is the audio book "Drunken Fireworks"…
On this last Friday of August we conclude our summer series highlighting the work of young writers in partnership with the Telling Room in Portland. This…
Every Friday this summer, we're featuring the work of young writers in partnership with the Telling Room In Portland. This week's entry is called "Atop a…
What makes for great radio drama and is storytelling becoming a lost art? Hear from Maine's own Tim Sample as well as from the creator of audiobooks and a…