Maine lawmakers have sent Gov. Paul LePage a comprehensive tax measure that conforms the state tax code to some, but not all, of the federal tax changes…
AUGUSTA, Maine — Maine Republican Party officials have decided to extend their efforts to place tax and welfare reform ballot questions before the voters…
AUGUSTA, Maine - The Maine Senate has backed Gov. Paul LePage's proposed constitutional amendment to abolish the income tax, but the measure doesn't have…
AUGUSTA, Maine - In little more than 30 minutes, lawmakers in the Maine House today overrode Gov. Paul LePage's vetoes of eight bills.Frustrated by…
AUGUSTA, Maine - The Maine House dealt the LePage administration yet another setback today after lawmakers rejected the governor's call for a…
AUGUSTA, Maine - Gov. Paul LePage today continued his attacks on Maine Senate Republicans - in his weekly radio address, at a Portland news conference and…
AUGUSTA, Maine - The clock is ticking for the Maine Legislature, as it mush have a budget in place by the end of the month to avoid a disruption in state…
AUGUSTA, Maine - In an often fiery news conference at the Blaine House, Gov. Paul LePage blasted Democratic leaders in the Legislature for opposing his…
AUGUSTA, Maine - A legislative policy committee has rejected Gov. Paul LePage's proposed constitutional amendment to eliminate the state income tax. In a…
AUGUSTA, Maine - The Maine State Chamber of Commerce says it is supporting some provisions of Gov. Paul LePage's tax reform package, but not the entire…