Being at home during the pandemic, many of us have paid more time and attention to what's happening in the natural world around us. In fact, it seems that…
The steep decline in birds throughout North America has been dubbed a "crisis." New research published recently in Science shows bird populations have…
Winter ticks have killed thousands of moose in New England . Maine’s moose population is estimated to have fallen from 76,000 five years ago to between…
We discuss the prevalence of rabies in Maine, what to do about potentially rabid animals, how to treat humans and pets who may have rabies and…
There have been many reports of rabid animals in Maine recently. We’ll learn just what rabies is, whether it’s on the rise and what can be done to keep…
Maine Calling is not live today; no calls will be taken.It's Super Thursday! We listen back to excerpts from a few of our recent favorite Maine Calling…
Have you ever found a skunk in the kitchen? Bats in your attic? As spring approaches and the weather turns warmer, we hear from two experts on creatures…
How did Maine's wildlife fare after the long, cold winter?Guests: Kyle Ravanna, Deer Biologist with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and…
After years of planning, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service hopes to finally sign off on a permit in October that allows trapping in Maine to continue as…
What are the potential effects of climate change on big game and other wildlife. A just released report details the effects of a warming world on big game…