Maine law enforcement agencies say work continues on more than 100 unsolved homicide cases.
Investigators said a cold case is a homicide that is still unsolved after three years.
Portland police report that they have solved 4 of 16 unsolved homicide cases in the last 5 years.
Detective Lt. Nick Goodman said three additional detectives were hired in 2020 to focus on those cold cases.
"We're giving them as much time as we can and equipment to pour over these cases and find that missing piece that was overlooked and needs to be retested," Goodman said. "What's a big help is the increase in technology over the last 20 years. DNA testing has grown leaps and bounds. Cellphone forensics and information like that."
Maine's Attorney General's office has dedicated a prosecutor to cold cases and hired a victim advocate to work with the families of victims.
Ten years ago the legislature funded a Maine State Police Unsolved Homicide Unit staffed with detectives and a dedicated forensic chemist that has successfully solved and prosecuted some of Maine's oldest homicide cases.