Milestone Recovery in Portland has acquired a property that will allow it to nearly double its capacity for detox beds, from 16 to 30.
Executive director Tom Doherty says currently, they're only able to serve 30% of the people who call and are eligible for services. The nonprofit provides medical supervision during withdrawal to people who have MaineCare or who are uninsured.
"That decision to enter recovery is sometimes fleeting, and we know that," says Doherty. "And so when we don't have space for them at that moment, oftentimes they turn back to the things that have served them at least adequately to get through the day, which are the substances that they've been using."
Doherty says the goal is to open the new facility on Andover Street early next year.
The $3.1 million dollar expansion is funded largely through a state grant, as well as federal funding, local donors, and foundations.