The East Millinocket Fire Department said it plans to cancel its ambulance contract with four unorganized territories: Grindstone Township, T2 R9, TA R7, and T1 R6.
The director of Unorganized Territories in Penobscot County, George Buswell, said the department issued a 60 day notice at the end of November.
Buswell said he's hopeful that an agreement can be reached to continue services. He said the fire department receives more than $9,000 annually to provide ambulance service to the four unorganized townships, and responds to an average of fewer than 10 calls per year.
Buswell adds that county commissioners approved more than $180,000 in funding two years ago to help the fire department purchase new ambulances.
"And it kind of hurts to think that they've forgotten that at this point," he said.
The town administrator for East Millinocket said like many communities, it's struggling to provide emergency medical services. Denise Gibbs said they "are focused on identifying sustainable solutions through our partnerships with other towns in the region."