U.S. Sen. Susan Collins says she watched special counsel Robert Mueller’s televised statement Wednesday, and she believes he made it clear that his investigation showed that Russian agents sought to influence the 2016 U.S. elections.
Collins say she understands that Mueller is eager to return to private life, but hopes he will testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is investigating Russian interference.
“In the interest of making sure that our counter intelligence report is as complete and accurate as possible, that Mr. Mueller would still consider coming in to closed session,” she says.
As to Mueller’s implication that Congress should decide if the President engaged in obstruction of justice, Collins says impeachment is up to the House, and that it would be improper for her to comment because if the House does impeach the resident, she and other Senators will act as the jurors.
“The ball is in the court of the House to decide whether or not impeachment proceedings are warranted,” says Collins. “It is not the Senate’s job and, indeed, I think it’s inappropriate for the Senate to be commenting on that issue given our constitutional role.”