Phytoplankton are tiny, microscopic marine organisms, but they loom large in the health of our ocean ecosystems. They provide food to many of the sea's creatures, and they also consume carbon dioxide. But when their growth gets out of control, it leads to dangerous algal blooms. We'll learn how researchers study phytoplankton to learn about ocean health.
This show is part of Maine Public's multi-media series about outdoors & nature, "Borealis."
Nicole J. Poulton, senior research scientist, phytoplankton ecologist; director, Center for Aquatic Cytometry, Bigelow Laboratory For Ocean Sciences
Catherine Mitchell, senior research scientist, satellite oceanographer, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Elizabeth Harvey, associate professor, biological sciences, University of New Hampshire
VIP Caller:
Aimee Neeley, biological oceanographer, senior research scientist, NASA
NASA Earth Observatory — What are phytoplankton?
Friends of Casco Bay - Nuisance Algal Bloom Tracking
Algal blooms in Maine Lakes