On Public Radio Music Day, some of Maine Public music hosts highlight how public radio stations bring people together in our communities to enjoy music and to provide opportunities to bridge divides. We’ll hear from music lovers from different backgrounds about how music or certain songs have connected them to others in their lives.
Learn more: Maine Public's celebration of Public Radio Music day
Rich Tozier, host, “Jazz Tonight with Rich Tozier” on Maine Public
Sarah Tuttle, music host & producer, Maine Public Classical
Sara Willis, host, “In Tune with Sara Willis," Maine Public
VIP callers:
Heather McDougall, classical manager of music and people, Maine Public Classical
Bennett Konesni, executive director and teaching staff, Bagaduce Music
Renia Shterenberg, executive director, Bangor Symphony Orchestra
Chris Moore, director of music education, teacher, 317 Main Community Music Center
Jazmin DeRice, mezzo soprano, voice teacher, farmer