The pandemic has wreaked havoc on many Mainer’s personal income and financial security. Tax season is also fast approaching. We’ll get advice and answers…
Personal finance expert Michelle Singletary answers listener questions about money management and financial issues during the Covid-19 pandemic. Topics…
Jean Chatzky, financial editor of NBC’s TODAY show and AARP’s personal finance ambassador, joins us to discuss "Age Proof: Living Longer Without Running…
Tax season is upon us. We’ll get answers to your tax questions as well as discuss strategies for retirement saving, credit card debt and other personal…
Lawrence Lessig is the author of Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress and a Plan to Stop It and the founder of Rootstrikers, an organization…
Debating Raising the Minimum Wage Edit | Remove What the arguments both for and against raising the minimum wage in Maine and nationally?Host Jennifer…
What steps should be taken now to get ready for retirement and to ensure financial security later in life.Host Jennifer Rooks will be joined by Matthew R.…
As the holiday season fast approaches, a guide to good giving and teaching the young to give wisely.Host Keith Shortall was joined by Laura Young, Vice…
Getting the right education for high tech, high paying jobs in Maine. What skills are needed to fill the gap in our state's manufacuturing sector. Host…
What's the difference between a bank and a credit union and which is better for your hard-earned money?Host Jennifer Rooks was joined by: John Murphy,…