Fish and game warden trainees rescued a couple and their two young children who became separated and stranded on Moosehead Lake during Tuesday's storm.
The plan will rezone six areas of the Moosehead region, which encompass 1,036 acres. These new zones account for just 6.1% of the roughly 17,000 acres initially envisioned for development under the original Plum Creek concept plan.
The ski area's current owner is fighting a state lawsuit, and prospective developers say they no longer have a clear path for acquiring the site to begin construction.
Members of the Land Use Planning Commission ultimately agreed to give the developers the permits they need to begin rebuilding the ski resort on Big Moose Mountain near Greenville.
Some see the project as a needed economic shot in the arm. But others remain skeptical given the ski area's troubled history.
For nearly 200 years, record-keepers have documented "ice-out" dates on Maine lakes, representing a sign that spring has come and warmer weather is on the way. Now, scientists are relying on those dates to track the effects of climate change on Maine's water bodies.
After years of debate and a recent effort to collect more feedback from the community, staff on the Land Use Planning Commission have recommended six new development zones for the Moosehead region, encompassing nearly 1,800 acres.
Many residents in Greenville have pinned their hopes on redevelopment of a local ski area as a way to jumpstart the long stagnant economy. But opinions diverge over a proposal to build new homes and expand the marina.
Plans to redevelop a ski area outside Greenville have become the latest flash point in a longstanding debate between those who want to protect the region's character and others who want to see it change and grow.
Even if it does secure permits for the land, the developer says there's a waiting list for the steel and wire needed to build a new ski lift.