Fifteen states currently have a Red Flag law, which permits police or family members to petition a court to order the temporary removal of guns from any person who may present a danger to themselves or others. A public hearing about a proposed Red Flag law for Maine was held in April and a work session on the bill took place in early May. We'll learn about the bill's status and the arguments for and against such a law.
- Dmitry Bam, Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, University of Maine School of Law
- Geoff Bickford, Director, Maine Gun Safety Coalition
- David Trahan, Executive Director, Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine
- Rebecca Millet, State Senator who introduced the “red flag” bill in Maine
- Jenna Mehnert, Executive Director, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Maine
- Deborah Hagler, pediatrician and Vice President of the Maine Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics
- Gun Studies: Permit Laws Reduce Murders; Red Flag Laws Cut Suicides
- More states say yes to Red Flag Laws
- Maine Lawmakers Consider 'Red Flag Bill'
- Gun Rights And Gun Control Advocates Debate 'Red Flag' Bill in Maine
- Maine Legislature Hears Emotional Testimony On Red Flag Gun Bill