We'll learn about Maine's iconic wild blueberries -- how they grow and what role they play in the state's economy. We'll talk with growers about how the season is going, the impacts of climate change -- and what's on tap for Wild Blueberry Weekend.
Lily Calderwood, wild blueberry specialist, Assistant Professor of Horticulture, University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Eric Venturini, Executive Director, Wild Blueberry Commission of Maine
Ashley Fields, co-owner, Fields Fields organic blueberry farm in Dresden
VIP Callers:
Bruce Hall, Director of Agroecology, Wyman’s
Melissa Kelly, Executive Chef, proprietor, Primo restaurant in Rockland
Wild Blueberry Weekend - Wild Blueberries
The nutritional power of blueberries - Mayo Clinic Health System
Wild Blueberries—The Maine Event | National Institute of Food and Agriculture (usda.gov)
What makes Maine's state fruit unique, and how the wild blueberry industry is doing | Maine Public
In the face of climate change, Maine's wild blueberry growers see a bit of hope | Maine Public