The 35-member production crew wants to unionize to boost wages.
The nine workers accuse Milton Champion of engaging in retaliation and creating a toxic work environment.
Baristas at the Portland-based Coffee by Design signed a collective bargaining agreement with the company this week, formally recognizing the union. The front-of-house workers are represented by Local 327 of the Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA).
The three unions representing workers at Woodland Pulp in Baileyville say that the mill has hired about two dozen temporary workers to cross the picket line and replace those on strike.
Staples employees in Brunswick have filed an unfair labor practice complaint with the National Labor Relations Board. Their petition to join the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers is also pending before the board.
Federal records indicate that the unionization attempt from Brunswick employees may be the first among Staples retail stores in the United States.
The 29-0 vote comes two years after nurses at Maine Medical Center, which is under the MaineHealth umbrella, voted to form their own union.
Workers at Portland Vietnamese restaurant Cong Tu Bot have successfully unionized, joining a labor union called Unite Here.
Shalom House employees say the agency hung posters in the main office and held multiple meetings with an attorney to discourage employees from organizing. The social services agency said it believes a minority of Shalom House employees share those concerns.
The restaurant chain has also agreed to give preferential hiring status to former Augusta employees for positions at other locations, and it will post a notice inside 40 New England stores detailing the events of the labor dispute.